- Full-page ad
- Quarter-to-half page ad
Direct Mail
- Sales Letters
- Direct Mail
- Flyers
Collateral (including interviews and research)
- Newsletters
- Brochures
- Case Studies
- White Papers
Marketing Communications
- Press Releases and Pitch Letters
- Radio Spots and Video Scripts
Web Services
- Social Media Marketing
- Website content
- Banner Ads
- Search Engine Optimization
Corporate Communications
- Business Letters
- Annual Reports
- Speechwriting
- Articles and Features
- Biographies
- Business Plans
- Training Manuals
- CVs, Resumes and Cover Letters
After an initial, no-charge, information-gathering session, Christopher will share his ideas about your project. Together you will discuss fees and come to a basic agreement which outlines responsibilities and time frames. Projects generally range from $50 to $100 per hour, although some can be quoted as a flat rate. One-third of the contracted amount will be due up front, with the balance paid at negotiable checkpoints.
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